North Port Aliens: Hoax! claims investigator

Mike Rowley and Son. Both claim to have see Alien beings

Mike Rowley and Son. Both claim to have see Alien beings

Remember the story I posted two weeks ago about the father and son who claimed that they were being visited by alien beings in North Port Florida? Well, thanks to the honest work of Eric Patterson, a local Paranormal Investigator, the true motive of this case comes out.

When I first heard about the story, it was quite clear what the motive was. Here are people who claim to be visited by aliens but cannot produce any video evidence of the ordeal, but do manage to get media coverage.

Not a week ago I get an email from Mike Rowley (the father) in where he thanks me for following up with the story and then gives me information to his online-store website in where you can see the casts of the “Devil footprints”.

Thank You for your interest in our story about the North Port Devil (dragon) here in North Port Florida. We are making videos of people who have come to our house to see for themselves, and witnessed supernatural activity in our woods and in front of our home. We will be posting many. Feel free to use them as much as you want. Our favorite you will have real interest in is the video titled, “Mike and Susan K Interview North Port Devil Flying Over Street”. Here is the link to this interview

My web site will tell when new videos are available.


Mike Rowley

According to local Paranormal Investigator Eric Patterson, this is all just a ploy to make money. The so-called “Devil’s footprint” cast is just a gopher hole.

NBC2 has the updated interview:

And of course, the gullible are quick to jump on the bandwagon:

