MonsterQuest Finale: Gable Film


Alright GT readers! The final episode of MonsterQuest will air on Wednesday, March 24th 2010. The last episode will focus on the infamous “Gable film”.
The MonsterQuest show on the History Channel was not renewed for the sixth season, therefore marking its untimely departure. We’ve previously discussed the possible reason as to why the show could have lost interest in the public’s eye, but I personally feel that networks can sometimes cutoff a show a little too prematurely.

This Wednesday’s finale will focus on the “American Werewolf”. MonsterQuest has done a segment on the “American Werewolf” before; this time they will focus on the “Gable film”. Something we here at GhostTheory have covered extensively.

Linda Godfrey Interview

Gable Film: Bear Attack Video?

Gable Film Update: Linda Godfrey and others react

Gable Film 2: No New Leads

Gable film: Anomalous entity

With all the reading and discussions that I’ve done on this subject, I still wholeheartedly believe this to be a hoax. It might not have started out as a hoax, but I believe that someone got their hands on a home video that contained a bear attack or some form of animal attack. By skillfully splicing and editing out key frames, they turned it into what it is today- A mysterious and creepy footage that has raised more questions than answers. With the very little information that is given by multiple sources about the origins of the video, it seems like the people who know the truth of its origins are just playing mind games with those who are gullible enough to believe it.

So get ready, set your TiVos to record, take out a pen and paper and let’s discuss the final MonsterQuest episode this Thursday.

Check out Loren Coleman’s post and views on the “Gable Film

Gable Film – Unedited

Gable Film anomalous entity

PS: This is GhostTheory’s 800th post! yay!

