UK Farmers Claim sheep attacks ’caused by aliens in UFOs’

spfuAPFU or (Animal Pathology Field Unit) is a group of investigators that look into the bizarre reports of mysterious animal mutilations. APFU was organized in 2001 and have since cataloged hundreds of reports. When farmers near Shrewsbury (UK) started talking about how they had observed UFOs beaming down lasers onto their flocks, the APFU went investigating.

Although this bizarre event was said to be witnessed by farmers and members of the APFU, there exists no information on these new reports in the APFU website. Even in their YouTube page, nothing about the witnessed “…Star Wars battle…” they said to have witnessed is available.

I have my doubts about animal mutilations. I’ve seen several time-lapsed videos that show the natural decomposition of an animal carcass, in which it shows that maggots can reproduce clean-looking cuts or removal of organs in timely manner. Although the possibility of Extra-Terrestrials doing these macabre experiments is still there. Of course, this is assuming that you believe aliens would come to earth to do such things….that and that ETs visit us.

Farmers near Shrewsbury claim to have witnessed sheep being “lasered” by unidentified light from UFOs.

They have linked the unexplained incidents, where sheep’s brains and eyes were removed, to the mysterious orange lights in the sky.

They have found sheep with “neat holes” while their brains and other internal organs were removed. Other animals have lost eyes or had their flesh “carefully stripped away”, usually on the left side.

farmer_1553883cPhil Hoyle, 53, who has spent almost a decade investigating how the livestock have died, said the UFOs were found to have roamed a 50-mile “corridor” between Shrewsbury and Powys.

Mr Hoyle and 15 members of the Animal Pathology Field Unit, claimed they witnessed UFOs at work last month while working during the night at a Welsh hill farm near Radnor Forest.

“The technology involved in these attacks is frightening,” he told The Sun.

“These lights and spheres are clearly not ours.

“They are built by technology and intelligence that’s not from here.”

He added: “For a short while it looked more like a Star Wars battle.”

Next day he interviewed farmers and “all but one had some type of unusual disappearance of animals or deaths with strange injuries”, he told the paper.

