Impressive Wiltshire Crop Circle


A mysterious 300ft crop circle has appeared in Wiltshire, Britain.

As far as crop circles go, this is a pretty cool design. We can only speculate that these crop circles are just a product of incredibly talented people, but some might also speculate that these are a product of aliens visiting earth.

I’ve seen plenty of intricate crop circles that have been done by humans in various documentaries, but to think that some people have the skill and time to pull something like this off is pretty insane. You’d either need a team of a dozen or more people working throughout the night in almost perfect unison to create a patter like this, or some really meticulous person doing this over a period of a few days. Pretty impressive if you ask me.

Full source:

Mysterious new crop circles at UFO capital of Britain in Wiltshire

Nearly 200 crop circles have appeared in just one formation not far from Warminster, Wiltshire, known as the UFO capital of Britain.

The circular 90m (300ft) design, believed to represent the passage of the Moon and Sun, contains 193 rings, including six key circles and a seventh in the centre.

Crop circle expert Karen Alexander said: ‘This is the most complex circle so far this year.’ The formation, near the village of Mere, is the first in the area since 1997.

