Paranormal Fish Story(s)

Paranormal Fish Story(s)

Sometimes all we need to look to for the explanation of the unexplained is our own lack of knowledge about the world around us. Just look a little harder and the answers come apparent. By way of example, the discovery of mysteriously beautiful circular patterns in the sea floor off the coast of Japan…

As can be found at

This is an underwater structure built about 80 feet underwater off the coast of the southern Japanese island of Anami Oshima. Considering no one had ever encountered anything like it, diver and underwater photographer Yoji Ookata was at a loss to explain what had built the circular, repeating, and clearly geometric structure. The architects of this feat of underwater engineering were discovered by Japanese broadcaster NHK, and the answer to what built the six and a half foot wide structure is at once mundane and really impressive.

Now despite that this is being called a crop circle by some, it is quite obviously sand. With the growing number of reports of USOs, reports coming out of Russian research in the field, the Baltic expedition and the Swedish “Ghost Rockets” search it is not too difficult a jump to say that this is obviously the result of some sort of intelligent entity trying to entertain or communicate with us.

But alas…

You Won’t Believe What Built This Underwater Crop Circle
by Ian Chant | 12:45 pm, September 20th, 2012

A film crew from NHK staked out this bizarre creation only to find that the entire structure was carved out by a single male pufferfish, tirelessly swinging his fin in the sand to create the grooves and ridges of the structure, which is many times the size of his own body. They also found that beyond just carving out the repeating shapes, he was also decorating the structure as he built it, peppering it with small stones and seashells.

Why would a pufferfish go through with all this trouble, you ask? Well, for the same, arguably one and only reason males of any species do anything ever — to attract a mate.

All the diligent work of one little guy just trying to get his groove on with the spiny ladies.

Okay, they don’t always look like that,

Most of the time they look like this

For more on the story there is a little video:

Oh. but this is not the only fish story in paranormal news recently.

Seattle has joined the ranks of those locations reporting a rash of unexplained noise from the sky, or possibly this time, as it turns out, from the water. Earlier this month complaints started coming in of strange late night noises in the vicinity of the Duwamish river.

Now it was thought at first to be related to a construction materials factory and warehouse nearby, but that factory reported itself as being almost completely shut down in this down turned economy, leaving locals and officials scratching their collective heads and plugging their ears.

You can hear a sample of the sound recorded by a local

Now there is a fish being studied along the west coast of the US called the Midshipman fish,

a member of the Toadfish family. Now some of us have to work a little harder to get the attention of the ladies, we just aren’t as cute as the smiling little Puffer above so the Midshipman is also known as…I kid you not…the California Singing Fish.

For the report and a sample of the sounds that Sinatra here makes you can check out this video.

For those of you with slow connections, of just decided to skip the video and are wondering how a fish could make sounds loud enough to wake the citizens of Seattle at midnight, this is an industrial area, near a major working cargo port and there was reportedly an empty cargo barge on the river. The theory goes that enough of the fish making their mating call could have been picked up by the hull of the empty ship which could resonate and amplify the sound and make it audible above the water surface. Stranger things happen.

I am guilty myself of wanting to see something fantastic, and other worldly, or even fantastically worldly, and so many of us look up and around for something huge when the possibility is that there is simply something small and relatively unnoticed that can creep up and mystify us even more than we imagined.

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Henry Paterson
