Jesus On Toast

Jesus On Toast

Jesus has made appearances to the faithful on many inanimate objects over the years. From clouds…

to windows…

to tortillas…

to a brick wall.

Now you too can greet your saviour every morning and smear his face with butter and jam with…

The Jesus Toaster.



The Jesus Toaster

“Normal toasters are tamed and subdued by unfortunate limitations; but great toasters rise above them and become Jesus Toasters.” Washington Irving FrAcTuReD

The Novelty Gift that Works in Mysterious Ways

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image” But did god tell Moses anything about toasting his face a lovely golden brown into a piece bread? Oh no he did not.

I only wish it was April 1st. I wonder how it works with PopTarts?

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Henry Paterson
