• Woman Impregnated By Aliens….Riiiiiiight7

    • April 24, 2010

    One of GhostTheory’s loyal readers who goes by Jbondo sent me the following story about this Italian woman who claims to have been impregnated by aliens. Now, I gotta say that without even looking at the video I had already concluded that this was just a hoax. Why? Well, Jaime Maussan’s name is on it.

  • Employee Abducted By UFO?11

    • December 26, 2009

    I’ve seen this video many times before, I just don’t know what to think of it. There has not been any in-depth investigation on this (that I know of). Supposedly a security camera manged to captured what someone is claiming to be an alien abduction. In the footage, we see an employee walking out some

  • Alien Beings secretly Filmed?15

    • December 23, 2009

    In what could be the most terrifying 30 seconds of audio I’ve ever heard, AllNewsWeb is suggesting that this video could be proof of an alien abduction/contact. Keep in mind that I’m referring to the audio sounding creepy. In no way am I saying that this is video proof of aliens. The actual footage lasts


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