• Video: Alien Body Found In Russia?107

    • April 18, 2011

    There’s a video floating around the web of some Russian guys who claim to have stumbled upon the remains of an alien body which appears to be mangled, laid out in the snow. The lifeless body seems to have been badly burned and its appendages torn off, as if the body had been through some

  • New ‘Stick Alien’ Video28

    • April 9, 2011

    Remember that old ‘stick alien’ video I had posted awhile back? In which the video shows some strange looking object walking through someone’s front yard? Well there seems to be a new video, of what appears to be the same object only this time it’s in a different location and shot by a different person.

  • NASA Anomalies Caught On Film7

    • December 2, 2010

    As NASA gets ready to hold a press conference about the new life form found (hint: It’s here on earth), I figured I would post a nice compilation of ‘alien anomalies’ that were caught on several space missions. You know…as a homage of some sort. In these two videos, we can appreciate the work that

  • Employee Abducted By UFO?11

    • December 26, 2009

    I’ve seen this video many times before, I just don’t know what to think of it. There has not been any in-depth investigation on this (that I know of). Supposedly a security camera manged to captured what someone is claiming to be an alien abduction. In the footage, we see an employee walking out some

  • Alien Beings secretly Filmed?15

    • December 23, 2009

    In what could be the most terrifying 30 seconds of audio I’ve ever heard, AllNewsWeb is suggesting that this video could be proof of an alien abduction/contact. Keep in mind that I’m referring to the audio sounding creepy. In no way am I saying that this is video proof of aliens. The actual footage lasts


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