• Video: Could This Be Real Paranormal Activity?

    Video: Could This Be Real Paranormal Activity?70

    • September 13, 2013

    By now GT regulars know about Mulder’s World and all the great stuff over there. I have been tracking one video in particular and discovered that it was actually posted last year for a short time. Now, on it’s repost the jackpot has been hit as it’s going viral crazy. Now, I have no idea

  • Video: Authentic UFO Or Amazing CGI?

    Video: Authentic UFO Or Amazing CGI?15

    • February 21, 2012

    While making my rounds this morning I came across a video that caught my attention. As much as I don’t want to believe the subject is real, it’s difficult to Pfft! it away. The Youtube video was brought to us by StephenHannardADGUK and is in fact so good, I have to applaud this gentleman’s talent

  • UFO Passes Path of Passanger Jet

    UFO Passes Path of Passanger Jet33

    • September 1, 2011

    This footage was uploaded to youtube yesterday. It shows what appears to be a cigar shaped object passing in front of an airliner. This one has potential as I am stumped to come up with any explanation for this video. In fact I tried and tried to freeze on the object close up but it

  • Genesis Crash Video – Thank You to the Readers for the Reminder

    Genesis Crash Video – Thank You to the Readers for the Reminder21

    • August 6, 2011

    With ever changing technology it’s becoming more and more difficult to know what’s real and what’s computer generated. In the past 2 weeks I’ve let several UFO subjects go by (including the pinwheel UFO) because they just seemed either too good to be true or blatant CGI. Now comes this video of what appears to


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