• The Beauport Poltergeist

    The Beauport Poltergeist6

    • August 7, 2015

        Beauport, Quebec, 1989. One August morning teenager Nancy slept comfortably in her home on 3566 Mgr Gauthier street. Her peaceful sleep was  interrupted by a deafening bang that came from the wall in her bedroom. She jolted up on her bed and held her breath, waiting to see if it had been in her

  • Haunted Peterborough Lock0

    • August 23, 2009

    Workers attest to spooky events that transpire in the late hours of the night in the Peterborough Lock in Canada. Disembodied footsteps and footprints are heard and seen, many claim it’s the souls of former workers killed in the structure. Diana Mehta Canadian Press PETERBOROUGH–Rising some 20 metres off the ground, the world’s highest hydraulic


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