• Homo Florensiensis: Small Humans Or A Distinct Species

    Homo Florensiensis: Small Humans Or A Distinct Species2

    • April 18, 2013

    As the recent supposed sighting of a small group of Orang Pendek in Sumatra is debated a recent Article on LiveScience addresses new research in the question of whether or not Homo Florensiensis were a distinct species or simply modern humans of small stature, as the article points out is not uncommon on isolated islands

  • Sumatran Pygmys, Are They Orang Pendek?

    Sumatran Pygmys, Are They Orang Pendek?10

    • April 3, 2013

    Forest Rangers in Sumatra have sighted forest dwelling “pygmys” they report as being only 20 inches tall. There are now many people wondering if these unknown people are the source of the Ourang Pendek legend. orang From Cryptozoo News Rangers patrolling the Way Kambas National Park (TNWK) in Lampung have reported sighting dozens of pygmies


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