• Bigfoot Face: Could This Be The Holy Grail?30

    • June 19, 2011

    It was the image of her crossing that dry riverbed that first grabbed my attention. I must have been but a mere 8 years of age. I used to sit quietly and page through my father’s old book on the subject of the world’s mysteries. A large brown book filled with interesting photos of “ghosts”,

  • North Carolina: Muddy Bigfoot Prints9

    • June 11, 2011

    When Bernadette and Leonard Braley found several muddy tracks outside their home in Gibsonville, North Carolina, they thought that they looked a bit strange. The couple then decided to measure and photograph them just in case it did turn out to be of importance. It wasn’t until several months later when Bernadette saw a documentary

  • Could U.S. Floods Bring Out Bigfoot?27

    • June 8, 2011

    Attending a low-funded public high school in one of California’s desert cities, I found myself out of place with the rest of the crowd; I guess I can say that most teenagers around the world feel out of place at some time or another. Hormones I suppose. I felt displaced, so as soon as I

  • Marble Mountain Bigfoot Footage26

    • June 4, 2011

    I find it exciting when some GhostTheory reader contacts me via email with a subject line that reads “Have you seen this?“. It’s almost always something good. I always expect something extremely interesting story-wise. Such was the case when Bruce K. contacted me a few days ago. In his email, he asked me if I

  • Friday Video: Boggy Creek II MST3000 Style8

    • June 3, 2011

    There are times when I look back on the fond memories of my youth and times I even remember those fond memories. Luckily, this is one of those times. I first saw The Legend of Bogey Creek with my best friend, I think we were around 11 or 12 which makes sense since the film

  • Spokane Bigfoot Video20

    • May 31, 2011

    Over the weekend I saw that the following video had made a significant buzz around the internet. It’s the Spokane Bigfoot video. Aptly named the ‘iPhone Bigfoot Video’ because it was captured using a cellphone. As it usually ends up, the video is inconclusive. Not because it is a ‘blobsquatch’ or because it’s barely visible,

  • Colorado Man Claims Bigfoot & Aliens Near Pikes Peak16

    • May 25, 2011

    As if one strange being wasn’t enough there’s a Colorado man by the name of Daniel Masias who claims to have seen a Bigfoot like creature as well as taken a photograph of an alien with a trail cam. He also claims to have seen footprints of the elusive Squatchy creatures. According to Mr. Masias,

  • Taxidermist:”Bigfoot Is Giant Indian Gone Wild”11

    • May 24, 2011

    Almost a decade before the infamous Patterson-Gimlin film was shot, there were dozens of reports of large human-like footprints reported in the Pacific Northwest. Although the legend of Bigfoot dates as far back as the first settlers in North America, the news agencies in the 1950s were having a field day printing crazy headlines which

  • After 113 Years, Strange Mammal Appears14

    • May 20, 2011

    If this isn’t a surprisingly exciting news post, I don’t know what is. Actually, yes I do. Probably the day we get definite proof of Bigfoot, then we can post a real surprisingly exciting news post. For now, this will do. Researchers from one of Colombia’s nature reserve stumbled upon a small guinea-pig-sized rodent that

  • New Alaska Bigfoot Video16

    • May 20, 2011

    YouTube user Putua76 managed to film what he believes to be a Bigfoot in some remote hiking trail in Ketchikan, Alaska. The video shows a strange creature lurking about the thick vegetation. It’s visible only by mere split seconds multiple times throughout the video. The person who filmed this, believes that this could be Sasquatch.

  • Jeff Meldrum: 500-750 Living Today8

    • April 28, 2011

    When Dr. Robert Schmidt, USU professor, invited Dr. Jeff Meldrum to his school to talk about Sasquatch, it wasn’t to convince the naysayers, it was just to present Meldrum’s excellent research into the Bigfoot Mystery. Jeff Meldrum has had a very busy time researching the mystery known as Bigfoot throughout the years. His journey has

  • Is this Thermal Footage of Bigfoot?21

    • April 6, 2011

    Here I am just looking for subjects for an article when I happened upon this guy on Youtube who seems to be a real Bigfoot fan. So much so that he has started his own Bigfoot research organization and has been at it since 1992. Tim Stover is his name and his organization is known


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