• Sea Monster Carcass or Just a Misidentification?

    Sea Monster Carcass or Just a Misidentification?1

    • July 22, 2011

    There were a couple of stories I was following this week and debating on whether I should post them here. This is one of those stories. The reason I am posting on it is because more information and better pictures have surfaced since first reports. Apparently the discovery was made by a couple walking their

  • ‘Sea Monster’ Spotted Off Brittish Coast5

    • July 31, 2010

    Just off the Saltern Cove in Paignton, Devon, UK. witnesses reported seeing what they thought to be a large turtle off the coast. The witnesses assumed it was a turtle since flippers and what was said to be a shell was visible. Then they saw the reptilian-like head and long neck. Then they weren’t too

  • RAF navigator believes he witnessed a living dinosaur.2

    • January 28, 2009

    Artwork of two Elasmosaurus marine reptiles swimming underwater. Chris Butler / Science Photo Library Reading some cryptozoological headlines this morning, I came across this story. A navigator on a RAF aircraft claims that he and others witnessed one of the last or the remaining dinosaurs that roam the earth. Interesting story to say the least.


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