• Atlantis On Saturn’s Moon

    Atlantis On Saturn’s Moon5

    • October 2, 2014

    Apparently Saturn’s moon Titan has been manifesting a disappearing island. According to Universe Today You may recall that a so-called “transient feature,” nicknamed “Magic Island” by the Cassini team, was first observed by Cassini in July 2013 during a Titan flyby. Magic Island has continued to puzzle scientists because shortly after its initial appearance, it

  • The Antikythera Mechanism, And Early Technology

    The Antikythera Mechanism, And Early Technology12

    • June 23, 2014

    So, one of our faithful followers called me to task not long ago. RednGreen had this comment on an article about an OOPArt or Out Of Place Artifact called the Nampa Figurine because I opened the article with a bit about the Antikythera Mechanism, but did not elaborate. So… what about the Antikythera mechanism? If

  • Photo Proof Of Life On Mars: Fail.

    Photo Proof Of Life On Mars: Fail.9

    • April 3, 2014

    Despite that there is no scale given on this photo and not even any reference to show it is from Mars at all, and is quite obviously significantly zoomed in to the point that resolution suffers significantly, One man believes it still shows proof of life on the red planet. He makes broad assumptions about

  • Pyramid Vandalized

    Pyramid Vandalized8

    • February 19, 2014

    Yet another example of why conspiracy theorists and ancient aliens believers represent the antithesis of science and rationality, or logical thinking. The destruction of evidence can never lead to truth, only detracts from it. From Live Science Great Pyramid at Giza Vandalized to ‘Prove’ Conspiracy Theory By Benjamin Radford, Live Science Bad Science Columnist February

  • Meet The Contributors

    Meet The Contributors0

    • February 4, 2014

    Lindsay and I will be interviewed Wednesday Feb 4th 2014 on ParaScience Journal with George Stadalski, on the Global Radio Alliance. The show starts at 9pm Eastern time, and we will be on about halfway through. George will be interviewing us live about Ghost Theory, and what we do. Parascience Journal is a weekly internet

  • Bridge To Sri Lanka?

    Bridge To Sri Lanka?4

    • January 31, 2014

    This story is fascinating if there is any truth to it. From Alien Disclosure Group’s UK Blog 1,750,000 Year Old Man-Made Bridge between Sri Lanka and India NASA has imaged a mysterious ancient bridge between India and Sri Lanka. The bridge was purportedly passable on foot until 1480 AD when a cyclone moved the sand

  • Portuguese Pyramid

    Portuguese Pyramid5

    • January 20, 2014

    Back in September of 2013, apparently an undersea pyramid was reported discovered in the Atlantic,  among the Azores. Suspiciously if you look at the posting dates on the articles at Azores-Pyramid.org they all fall within just a few days of each other, and most on the same day. Portuguese news sites are reporting on the