News team captures poltergeist activity on video

The Tavern in Abingdon, VA.

Although I’m not sure what I’m looking at in the video, a local news team from Virginia claims that while camping out with the “Haunt Masters Club” (a ghost hunting group) they were able to capture some poltergeist activity with their cameras. In the video, you can barely make out what is a chair to the left of the screen. In a subtle manor, the chair appear to jerk a little. I’m not sure this constitutes as evidence but the locals claim to have had paranormal experiences in the tavern for years.

Link to the video

According to justin Guess, Co-Founder of the Haunt Masters Club, the room where the chair apparently moves is a room in which the site of a murder over cheating in a card game once occured.

The Tricity blog is filled with EVPs and testimonies from that night.

I’m not convinced that a chair suddenly jerking should be considered evidence of paranormal activity, but when you’re out “ghost hunting” for several hours through the night with a group of other investigators and news media, any bump in the night can be construed as the holy grail.

From the article:

Last week, a team from, the Bristol Herald Courier and News Channel 11 spent the night hunting ghosts at The Tavern in Abingdon. Tagging along with a local organization of paranormal investigators, the Haunt Masters Club, the group filmed, blogged and tried to shine some light on the numerous spooky sightings that have crept up about this old and storied building.

After reviewing the video and audio recordings from the night, the Haunt Masters found several anomalous pieces of evidence indicative of paranormal behavior. The most stunning of these is a video of a chair moving by itself in a completely empty room. Captured by a remote camera placed by the team, the wooden chair appears to scoot backward as if pushed by some invisible force.

Along with the video of the chair, it was discovered that another video captured the sound of a ghostly muffled voice and three audio-only recordings contained unexplained EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon.) These pieces of evidence form a defensive case for the many anecdotal stories of hauntings that The Tavern has garnered through the years.

Collecting these recordings was a task that took all night, beginning at 10 PM with the last member of the crew leaving the building at 7:30 AM. The night began with sweeps of the building to collect “base readings” – recording normal temperature, electromagnetic frequency levels, and more. This allowed the team to have an understanding of the general conditions inside the building to compare with data collected later on.

After, the Haunt Masters began to set up their recording equipment in each room with the team launching a live webcam and blog to record the night’s events as they happened. Work continued through the night as more readings were taken and the team attempted to prompt replies from the unseen during EVP recording sessions.

A full record of the night, along with the all of the evidence collected and personal afterthoughts from those involved can be found on the Paranormal Blog at

