Ghosts haunt Mayor’s office: man claims photographic proof

Seems like the reports of ghost hauntings from Colombia are not over yet!

Remember the Ghost in Colombian morgue caught on camera?
Or the Ghost captured on cell phone by students articles that we have covered in recent time?

We recently heard of some ghostly activities that are happening in Colombian government building that is not only just hearsay, but an employee actually managed to capture what he claims is proof of the ghost that has been stalking him.

The Mayor’s office for the city of Armenia, Colombia, is said to inhabit paranormal entities that are frightening the city’s employees. From disembodied voices heard through the hallways during the night, to actual reported sightings of people walking through solid objects.

Editor’s note: translation and summary mine

Reporter: In this vehicle that remains in the basement in the building of the Mayor’s office, a security guard took this picture, in which you can see the figure of a person inside the truck. At the time, no other person was in the basement.

14 seconds in the video, we see the photograph taken of the supposed ghost in the truck

Reporter: But it’s not the only strange occurrence, Rodrigo Jarabillo who is the secretary of economic growth says he does not believe in ghosts, but recently had an unexplained and abnormal encounter while going to the restroom at night…

Mr. Jarabillo: I saw in the door….the door, a body. A body that went through it. Meaning that the person transparently went through the door..

Reporter: Eduardo Gonzalez, another employee of the city said that the ghosts could be behind a canceled meeting that he was supposed to have…

Mr. Gonzalez: …so around 8:30 in the morning I received a phone call from the doctor, she said “Eduardo, we are waiting for you” so I told her that I had received a call from her earlier canceling this meeting. She told me “No, I never called to cancel this meeting. It must be the ghosts you guys have.”

Reporter: Strange noise, doors that close by their own accord and footsteps are the noises that are generated throughout the building.

Maria Helena Castro (employee): I saw a young woman…normal looking. She was exiting the elevator and I was surprised since it was late in the night and no office employees usually worked that late in the night. Plus it was on a holiday, when all of them had the day off. So I greeted her and she did not say anything and just walked.

Reporter: 10 years ago, the building used to be a gallery for the city of Armenia. Where several deaths occurred once due to an earthquake. In view of the strange happenings, there will be a religious ceremony done in the building tomorrow.

So what do you guys think?

As far as the photograph is concerned, I do not see the figure in the truck. Probably because of the bad video quality. I do find it fascinating that the security guard took a picture of a truck out of the blue. Was it because he wanted to capture the ghost that he has seen before?

The rest of the testimonies are credible. Most of the employees seem to be skeptical of the going ons, but still report things that they cannot explain. Like the woman getting off the elevator and not responding to a greeting. Just walking by. It’s not fair to label an experience like that a paranormal one, but can you think of a time when someone would just walk by and not respond to another person saying “hello” in a building, in the middle of the night? Maybe the woman was in shock? or maybe she just does not like human interaction. Either way, it sounds odd.

We can write this off as just bored employees feeding an urban legend, but knowing that this was the site where a handful of people died in a horrible earthquake 10 years ago makes me question if what is being reported is actually true.

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