Encounter with flying Humanoid

grafborne(Artist’s rendition) In march 2008 71-year old inhabitant of Szczecinek (Northern Poland) went on a trip to Borne Sulinowo area. Unexpectedly she perceived an outline of humanoid entity hovering above ruins of former military complex. The woman became paralyzed but after a while she retreat. The being followed her…

Do you guys remember the story we broke out of the “Flying humanoid from Mexico” awhile back?

This encounter seems more like it could be a military experiment than anything else. I’m not a big conspiracy theory fan, but I would not doubt that the government might have some communication with alien beings.

Read this encounter at Infra.org

The sighting took place in March 2008 (probably on 23rd or 30th). It was Sunday but the witness isn’t sure of the exact date.

On that day Mrs. Izydora from Szczecinek (northern part of Poland) went with her husband on a trip to Borne Sulinowo area. The man parked their car and soon they departed. While her husband went toward the local forest, Mrs. Izydora decided to stroll amongst ruins of the local military base. It was about 1 – 2 p.m.

Suddenly woman felt strange but decided to walk further. After a while she unexpectedly noticed in the mid-air some kind of semi-transparent entity. As she said, it looked like a “misty figure” of a man hovering several meters above the ground. Mrs. Izydora (71) could see its exact shape since the silhouette was outlined by whitish contour making it quite noticeable.

For some time the witness remained as if paralyzed and unable to scream while the being was hovering nearly directly above her. It remained in the air in a distance of a few meters and kept its arms stretched “as if preparing to flight”. After a while of observation woman decided to retreat to her car parked nearby.

Scared woman began her retreat to the car, but then she noticed that the being started to follow her and rapidly flew above disappearing in the nearby woods. Then woman called her husband and forced him to leave the place immediately. She told him about the weird incident two days later.

The being’s appearance

Woman used a word “male” in description of the being’s appearance. As she told the being despite the lack of distinctive details of appearance had a solid and massive shape, resembling a tall man. It moved smoothly and without any sound. Mrs. Izydora said that the being seemed to be “misty” with a distinct outline.

The whole observation lasted a few minutes but Mrs. Izydora couldn’t recall it exactly. Another interesting fact is some kind of possible influence of the witness physical condition. Mrs. Izydora felt weak but it isn’t clear if it was connected with the being appearance. The other feeling was paralysis which prevented her from calling husband. A strange feeling passed away as soon as being disappeared in the woods.

As it is mentioned above Mrs. Izydora decided to talk about the incident after a few days. We talked to her after more than half a year after the encounter and she still was frightened. She told us that she never expected to experience such an encounter with something she could not explain rationally. Beside Mrs. Izydora is open-minded person she doesn’t want to come back to that place despite the fact that previously it was often visited by her and her husband.

Paranormal phenomenon or the flying humanoid?

It is very hard to answer this question but we can notice some elements which would help us to precise a nature of an encounter. The most important is the general appearance of the entity resembling some “classical” observations known mainly from the Mexican reports (that on the other hand in some instances could be human-shaped balloons). The other significant element of the encounter is connected with strange condition of the witness during the encounter. Mrs. Izydora is almost sure that the discomfort was caused by the being which was hovering in a distance of few meters from her.

The next element (very distinctive for most of the cases of close encounters) is a feeling of paralysis. It is obvious that it was partially caused by a fear but it prevented the witness form giving any scream or other signal which is natural in such cases. It is interesting that the being did not disappear suddenly but flew above a frightened witness toward a forest…..

Full source: Infra.org

