Wedding Day Ghost: Pareidolia or Hoax?

"Wedding Day Ghost"

"Wedding Day Ghost"

I sort of was hesitating putting up this image on GhostTheory because of the obvious problems with an image like this. The problems being that the image is too small to really analyze. Blowing it up only pixelates it more. Also the fact that the image itself of the “ghost” is too dramatic, too “Hollywoodish”. No matter what, It seems to be making its rounds through the internet as a “True ghost” picture.  I’ve seen this happen so many times. I’m posting it here so that maybe one of you can shed some light on WHAT or WHO created the photo. The image itself was sent to Stephen Wagner from I’ve shared many stories with Stephen over the last few years. usually sending him videos or photos that I find mystifying and hard to debunk. His paranormal section on has a very high audience, so most times, his readers help debunk a lot of what gets posted. Back to the topic on hand…

Stephen received this picture along with this email:

This is a photo of my aunt’s wedding day. The year was 1942, and the photo was taken with a box camera. On some of my feedback I’m told it’s not really there! Well, I know it is. This picture has been passed down. Please give me some feedback. I would like too see what everone thinks. It was taken in Jasper, Alabama. — Liz

To which Stephen skeptically responds:

It’s an interesting photo. We have three possibilities:

  1. It’s an extraordinary case of pareidolia — an illusion.
  2. It’s a hoax — a very clever and well-executed one — created with image editing software.
  3. It’s a genuine ghost.

I’m not ready to say it’s a genuine ghost. And I think it’s too detailed to be pareidolia. So I suspect — and Liz, forgive me if I’m wrong — that this is a manipulated photo. And my main reason for saying that is that the “ghost” is just too scary looking, like something out of a horror movie. It’s just too theatrical. Your opinion? — S.W.

Which makes total sense. For it to be pareidolia, it has to be one of the clearest and most detailed ones that I’ve seen. To me, it seem more likely to be done with some editing software, than to be a genuine ghost photo.

The owner of the image then replies to Stephen:

Liz responds:

I thank you for your feedback on the wedding day photo, but I do not agree. These pictures were taken before I was born — that’s a long time ago. And when I saw the photos they have never changed. There is a lot about this picture no one can explain, and I think it’s something paranormal. — Liz

Herein lies the problem with all the supposed paranormal proof that resides in the internet. In the end, you end up having to take the word of the original person who captured the evidence.

"Wedding Day Ghost"

"Wedding Day Ghost"

