Friday Video: ClownHouse

ClownHouse 1989

ClownHouse 1989

Ah Halloween!

I take the Metro train from Union Station in L.A. to Pasadena every morning. It’s a nice ride, sure beats dealing with traffic. This morning I’m walking through the underground tunnel to buy my ticket for the train. As I’m walking down this tunnel that interconnects several of the Metro’s trains, I bump and make my way across the influx of early morning commuters, I have to be careful not to bump into those that run clumsily through the tunnel in effort to catch their train. I was thinking about Gary’s post “Zombies make the news, but should you worry?.

So in my head in calculating the amount of people, the security/police around the tunnels. I think, if a zombie outbreak happens right now I’m screwed. While silently planning an escape route and letting my imagination run wild, all of a sudden I see a 6 foot clown, fiery red hair, oversized shoes, blood all over his mouth and carrying an axe. My eyes get this “tunnel vision” thing and hone in on this guy.

He is running top speed in my direction, Joy Division’s “Transmission” is blasting through my headphones, I clench my fist ready to drop this guy and no one seems to notice. He runs past me and takes a left for the Red Line train. I’m trying to shift my mind from the zombie outbreak planning to what I just saw. Still no one seemed to care that a 6 foot axe wielding clown is catching the Red Line. Then I see the Devil buying tickets, while Michael Jackson waits in line to buy his.

Ah! Halloween.

This Friday Video I present “ClownHouse

Just before Halloween, three kid brothers who are alone in a big house are menaced by three escaped mental patients who have murdered some traveling circus clowns and taken their identities.

Happy Halloween!

