Squeaky Footage: North Carolina Bigfoot

Headline news in the Crypto community today was buzzing with controversy of the alleged “Thermal footage of Bigfoot” that was captured in North Carolina. Showing what appears to be a large bipedal creature lurking around an abandoned campsite.

Mike Greene, a seasoned Bigfoot researcher was well aware that the strange noises around his campsite could be those of the legendary creature. He quickly setup his thermal camera and pointed it at a tree stump with some bait and left his campsite for about two hours. What the camera captured is said to be the thermal image of Bigfoot.

BFRO’s Matt Moneymaker writes about Mike Greene:

Mike Greene had been pursuing footage of a sasquatch as a hobby, off-and-on for over 20 years. He has a Master’s degree in Behavioral Psychology, is a court-qualified Questioned Documents Examiner ( forgery expert). For two decades he was Chief of Welfare and Food Stamp Fraud Investigations for New Jersey. Mike joined the BFRO in 2005 and attended 16 BFRO expeditions in different parts of the US and Canada, incuding the yearly expeditions in North Carolina, for which he was eventually asked to serve as the official organizer.

On numerous occassions, at a particular location in North Carolina, various expedition participants described seeing an inquisitive sasquatch circle their camp just beyond the illumination of their campfire. Many of those sightings happened within 200 feet of the spot where the Squeaky footage was obtained. Various attempts were made to photograph this sasquatch using trail cameras, with no success. The trail cameras were, out of necessity, strapped to the sides of nearby tree trunks. They were conspicuous from a distance. The stump altar would be raided when there were no trail cameras on the nearby trees, but was not raided when trail cameras were present.

Not every trail cam approach was tested there (such as camouflaging the cameras on the ground) before Greene switched to thermal equipment from a greater distance. He switched to this different strategy after his first minor success there: His own observation of a sasquatch there in 2007, while using a thermal viewer (Ratheon PalmIR 250).

Mike’s 2007 observation was not recorded. Why? The thermal is a separate device from the recorder. The recorder was turned off to save its limited memory (256mb SD card), a mistake Mike vows never to repeat. The sasquatch left the scene in the time it took Mike to fumble in the dark to power up the recorder and put it in Record mode. Other people were present on that occasion. All of them, including Mike, were sitting at the same picnic table talking among each other, recreating the many prior scenarios when the sasquatch was said to have circled and watched people there from the safety of the surrounding woods.

Here is Mike Greene’s thermal recreation video for comparison purposes:

What can we make of this video?

I would really like to see the whole video, but it will not be available to the public until a few weeks. Mike Greene is selling the full video for $3.00, although a cheap price, I still find it ethically wrong to try and sell evidence in such manner. I mean, if he should publish a book and try to sell it on his site I would not have a problem, but with video as inconclusive as this, we really can’t say that this is a Bigfoot.
For all we know it could be just a peeping-tom trying to get a cheap thrill right? Suddenly I hear banjos off in the distance...

