Poltergeist Fires and Ghostly Cries Report In Kuwait Household



According to this news report from the Arab Times Online, a Kuwait citizen has appealed to the Prime Minister and State Minister in order to have a different home allocated to him and his family. Mansour Al-Ajmi claims that some parts in his home have spontaneously caught fire. There have been incidents when Mansour Al-Ajmi and his family heard the screams and crying of children inside their home, even though no sounds were being made by his five children.

The report states that the firemen have been called to the residence to put out the fires and while there, the firemen also heard the ghostly cries but could not determine the origins of the wailing.

Spontaneous fires are sometimes known to occur during poltergeist activity. What’s not “normal” in this picture is the crying being heard from supposedly ghost children along with the reported poltergeist fires.

My guess is that the family might have one or two angst teens being rebellious and playing tricks on their parents.

Full source: Arab Times Online

KUWAIT CITY, July 4: Kuwaiti Mansour Al-Ajmi who claims his house in a suburb of Fahd Al-Ahmad is haunted has appealed to HH the Prime Minister and the State Minister for Housing Affairs to allot him and his family a house in another area, reports Al-Dar daily.
Al-Ajmi claims his family can hear the weeping of children and either at 5:00 am or 5:00 pm some part of the house catches fire.
He went on to say with the help of his children he prepares buckets of water to put out the fire although he does not know which part of the house will go up in flames. Al-Ajmi added he was advised to play verses from the Holy Quran but the cassette player caught fire when the verses were being played.
He added when firemen were called to put out the fire, they too heard cries of children and they thought there were more children in addition to his five children.
Firemen and personnel from the Criminal Evidences Department have failed to identify the cause of the fire.
Al-Ajmi says he now lives in a rented house in Oqaila and pays KD 800 a month.

