Tell Us Your Biggest Fear


As I often do before I decide on a topic I wonder about certain things and then focus in on something that starts my mind rolling. Last night it happen to be fear and what causes it. For some reason I had that rat torture scene from the film 1984 pop into my head. I’m sure many of you have read the book by George Orwell or you saw the movie.  I have to tell you, it was a horrific thing to witness and even if you don’t fear rats I think it wouldn’t be far down the list if someone put one of those cages on your head.

Here are the top 10 fears according to

Lets review:


Flying is statistically meant to be the safest form of travelling, and yet here’s this fear rated at number #1.

I guess on those few times that planes crash and people die it makes the news, and thus these fears are further fuelled. I guess, too, that you feel more in control whilst driving your car, so fear of driving is much less common even though you are far more likely to die driving to the airport than on the flight itself. Apparently. But maybe fear of confined spaces is an issue here, as is fear of heights.


Now this fear is much more understandable to me. This must be one of most people’s deepest fears – even those who are expert public speakers (like US President Barack Obama) get nervous beforehand, I’m sure.

This fear is all about everybody taking notice of you, and listening to what YOU have to say.


As I jokingly say on my most common fears page, my fear of heights is really my fear of jumping (or maybe it’s my fear of falling)! But then I probably only suffer a mild form of acrophobia – I certainly don’t suffer from any nasty physical symptoms. And, really, my fear of heights is the same fear as my fear of jumping in front of an oncoming train (or lorry)…


This is a fear that stems from childhood, I think, but it may last well into adulthood. This is one of the most ‘irrational’ of the top 10 fears and needs to be faced up to, one way or another (especially if you are an adult).


This top 10 fear is summed up, beautifully, by this expression: “Into me, see”. And I guess some of us (not just men, either) don’t like the idea of people seeing into them. I think other fears – fear of rejection, fear of commitment, fear of failure – come into play, too. It’s a fear of change, also. And change can be scary for all of us, at times!


Thanotophobia affects many millions around the world. It’s not just about the fear of death, but the fear of dead things, or anything death-related.


This is another understandable item in the list of most common fears. Even ‘successful’ people suffer from this fear, I’m sure. And I think it fuels many of the other top 10 fears.


Okay, this is probably my own #1 fear, that of being rejected. And I’m a bit surprised by this, I have to say, as I’m not entirely sure what ‘rejection’ I’m afraid of. I think it’s about wanting the acceptance and love of others and making sure that you don’t do anything to jeopardise that.


This is a self-explanatory fear – thankfully, one that I no longer suffer from. I spent 2 years living in Malawi, Africa and saw enough huge creepy-crawlies to finally lose my fear of Daddy Longlegs and their ilk.


Another so-called male fear, fear of commitment affects us all, I believe, at different stages of our lives. I also think – as with the other top 10 fears listed above – that we can suffer this fear in one part of our lives, and not in another.

So, there you have it, the big 10! Surprised? I certainly am since I expected more supernatural stuff. However, I guess  it makes sense from a world view.  What? You want to know my biggest fear? OK, OK, I knew I couldn’t get away without exposing my own irrational shortcomings.

My biggest fear is (Drum Roll Please) Cockroaches! Yes, Cockroaches by golly! Before I moved to South Florida from NWPA I had in fact never seen a live cockroach in my entire life. Little did I know that I was entering the big leagues of cockroachdom, the heavyweights of all roaches, the big cahoonaroochas! I don’t know if there is another state on this continent that can boast specimens the size of Florida roaches . These roaches are so big that you can actually see their droppings. I have seen and been chased by (Yes, I said chased by!) roaches that were no less than an inch and a half long. They are so super disgusting that when I saw them I would almost get sick. Furthermore, I could never step on them as the crunch they made would send me over the edge. That is if they died. I’ve seen them subjected to all sorts of atrocities and not even bat a feeler.

So, if you want to see me freak out, just bring a Cockroach to the party and watch me run!

OK, now it’s your turn. Lets get crackin with your biggest fears and why you have them.

Written By: Scott McMan

