Argentinian Chupacabras Attacks


Inexplicata has some interesting details about the recent livestock attacks in rural Argentina.

A group of sheep have been found mutilated (not eaten) and what is more interesting is the strange bird-like foot prints found near a carcass:

argentina chupacabras claw 2010

Full source: Inexplicata
News Item From the Misiones Media:

Ten sheep were mortally attacked in recent weeks in a livestock farmer’s field in this locality, according to eyewitness information presented to the Sheriff’s office, the body that has been investigating the strange event that has shaken the residents of this rural area.

Since the attacks occurred on two occasions and always at night, the caretakers, farm employees and Police officers have set up a rotating watch against the possibility that the strange animal may reappear again. It left sufficiently clear prints to increase suspicions that the police prefers not to encourage for the time being.

Jose Fraga, owner of the field and the animals, decided to report the happenings to the Police, and while he wanted to file a complaint, the authorities made him desist for the time being, saying “against who would the complaint be filed?” according to clarifications issued by the police department.

Fraga explained that near one of the pens in his field, he found a large, deep footprint with three long toes.” Like that of a bird, but somewhat larger,” he said, and with regard to the injuries to the animals’ bodies, he added: “The all had bite marks on their necks.”

Andres Gonzalez, Sheriff of Campo Viera, confirmed that the attacks occurred twice and that “it is truly remarkable that the animal did not devour any of the sheep. It merely killed them by biting their necks, and blood was only found in that area of the body. There was nothing found in the rest of their bodies.”

The sheriff noted that he had gone to Fraga’s field in person with others to see the event for himself. “Sheep carcass samples were removed, because there were traces of mucus and its possible to determine what attacked these creatures, and we will know in a few days,” he explained. “Many people are saying other things, but we have to wait and avoid jumping to conclusions. We really don’t know what it may be, because a puma or a yaguareté would’ve devoured one of the animals. But in this case there are 10 dead sheep and none of them were touched, only to slay them…” said González.

The figure of the Chupacabras began to acquire shape in the locality, and cows exhibiting strange bite-marks were found en in Campo Grande, attributed by connection to the strange animal that has kept the owner of dozens of sheep and top-quality cows in a state of restlessness.

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