Abandoned House Ghosts Caught On Video?

Don’t know what to make of this video. I’m so inclined to just write this off as a hoax and call it a day, but I really cannot think of an explanation for the images seen here. Maybe the images of ghosts were added using some video editing software.

The narrative at the beginning of the video says:

“A young man decides to spend the night in an abandoned home, where it is said that no one has stayed in the house overnight due to reports of ghostly visions and poltergeist phenomena.

Once inside, his cameras were witnesses to something unexplainable. He admits not having seen anything unusual until reviewing the tapes.”

The story goes that whoever was filming this, they went investigating at this abandoned house in the middle of nowhere and where caught inside the house when a strong downpour started. His cameras captured the rest.

When reviewing this video, my first impression was that these could be smalls “vapor clouds” or something to that effect, but after watching the full video I have to assume that this could be a hoax. The images of the “ghosts” are too clear and perfect. Then again, I’ve never really seen a ghost…nor do I really know if ghosts exists for that matter.

I know you GT readers are a clever bunch. So who out there can put a lid on this mysterious video?

