Argentina: Family Records UFO


Daniel Domínguez and his family had just arrived home from a party when they all noticed a strange light in the night sky. It was stationary and seemed to change colors. After a few minutes, Daniel decided to call the local police to see if they knew what it was. The police suggested that they contact the observatory, which Daniel had tried with no success.

“Aviones pasan todos los días y sé la diferencia entre un avión y otra cosa. Para mí, esto era un Ovni, porque yo ya había visto otro anteriormente en Alto de Sierra, en el campo. Y años atrás, pude observar otro en Barreal, mientras estaba en la casa de unos primos. Nunca tuve miedo y mis chicos tampoco. Al contrario, nos dio mucha emoción poder ver lo que vimos, aunque nadie más haya podido verlo”

“Planes fly by every day and I know the difference between a plane and something else. For me, this was a UFO, because I’ve seen something similar to this in Alto de Sierra, in the woods. Years before that, I saw another one in Barreal, while at home with some cousins. I’ve never been afraid and neither have my kids. In fact, we were all excited to see something like this although no one else did”

UFO or airplane?

Full source: Diario De Cuyo (translation by Google)

