Best UFO (Live Alien) Footage Ever Posted on GT?

How this one fell thru the cracks I’ll never know but thanks to regular “bigpunkdrummer” I am very excited to present either one of the best hoaxes ever or real honest to goodness aliens piloting an extraterrestrial craft in the skies over Turkey.

Now that I am writing this, I faintly remember the footage and after doing some research it did come back to me as being in the news early this year. However, it has never appeared on GT. While doing the research I noticed quite a bit more skeptical feedback than that which was favorable. I have my own opinions but I’ll reserve them for after the video.

This event was allegedly filmed in a resort area at The Sea of Marmara in Kumbergaz, Turkey. It is presented by Dr. Roger Leir who you may recognize as the doctor who is famous for removing “alien implants” from abductees.

We are late with this report but I believe our readers can still add valuable input regarding this event.

Dr. Leir’s Website and source of this story:

Now that you’ve seen the video I’m sure you all have plenty of opinions to add. I happen to be the one at the helm here so I’m going to pipe in on it right now. As I said, I’ve done research on this and found lots of input at another site, lots of very interesting input that got me to thinking.

If I were to guess on this event and not taking any of the obvious flags into consideration I’d identify it as the front or rear of a ship, up high toward the bridge or the bow rail. Possibly an oil tanker or a cruise ship but it could just as easily be a smaller yacht. Wait Scott you say, what about the aliens? Well, while I did get the idea for the ship from another site, I also came up with a theory of my own.

Could the scene be staged to appear as it does? Or, is it possible the person filming was the victim of a well done prank? Could our alien pilots actually be people with masks on? We’ve all seen strange getups at Mardi Gras, right?

Let’s put things in perspective with a possible scenario:

The first year a yacht crew are leaving or entering port and have a friend on the shore/dock filming them. After they review the video one of them notices that, “hey, doesn’t that look like a spaceship?” They all agree and decide to take it to the next level. It takes them a couple of more visits to the resort (08′ & 09′) but it all eventually comes together and they have aliens in a spaceship. In fact, it looks so good to them that they decide to see test the waters, as it were.

I am in no way trying to discredit the video and the truth is that a small part of me wants to believe I am seeing real extraterrestrials on a real spacecraft. In fact, the video was extensively scrutinized by Universities and professionals in Turkey and abroad who all (allegedly) found it to be authentic (not manipulated). Add to all of this an endorsement of validity from the Turkish government and you now have a believable event.

Javier and I spoke about this and he had his opinions as well but we both agreed that it would be a good idea to put it out there. I’d also advise the readers to please get out to other sites and look at other opinions as well because this event has been the source of some extensive discussion.

OK GT readers, now it’s your turn…..

