Friday Video: Britain’s Most Terrifying Ghost Stories

Every once in awhile I like to throw some good ol’ ghost stories in the Friday Video mix. First person accounts of encounters with the unexplained are my favorite probably because you can take things at face value easier. Here is a person, in front of a camera crew, recounting their experiences with the paranormal…there’s no “ghost hunting” team running amok trying to capture EMF readings or temperature changes. This is just pure face to face storytelling. The good stuff. Whether I believe it or not, I enjoy hearing the stories and watching the recreation of the events that took place. Takes me back to those days where I sat in front of the television and became engrossed in the paranormal documentary, scaring myself to sleep.

I wanted to take the time to thank you guys again for the donations and support you gave for the Centro Latino for Literacy, of which I volunteer my time to. The contributions from the GT readers and my employer and co-workers were enough to buy dozens of books and classroom materials for the students. Last night, we had a graduation ceremony for those few students that are moving from the LEAMOS program to the next stage in their educational journey. Some students will be moving to ESL classes or math and grammar classes.

These are the students (Teacher in the back, wearing red) that will be graduating and moving on to better things. I hope to continue raising money for this non-profit, so you might read more of my pleas for support down the line. Although I did not run the L.A. Marathon due to an injury, I did partake in the L.A. 5K 2011. Representing the CLL like a true G. And by ‘true G’ I mean an injured and under-trained guy.
Now if you’re wondering why my eyes are so red, is probably because of that ‘medicine’ I took before the race. Nothing makes you forget the searing pain of an overused Iliotibial band than some of that Darth Vader OG.

So thanks to all who contributed.

…and on to the videos:

Britain’s most terrifying ghost stories

