Prophetic Dreams of 9/11

Prophetic Dreams of 9/11

Photo Courtesy of Paul

Today (9/10/11) I began to think about how we could remember 9/11 here at Ghosttheory. It then occurred to me to keep with our theme and look for something paranormal.

Most here know that I don’t believe in psychics, rather I am of the opinion that there are some who have ultra heightened senses. Either naturally or from years of development their senses become for lack of a better term, extremely sensitive. I don’t know if this has to do with odd barometric sensitivity, electrical fields or some other oddly sensitive area that can only be felt by those described above. Actually, I believe that we all have to one extent or another the ability to develop one or more senses until we can feel things at even an involuntary level.

Some are very lucky in that each and every sense (sight, touch, sound, taste and smell) are developed to an extreme level. It is these people who’s senses even invade their sleep and dreams.

Now comes the question: Can some of us be so sensitive that we can feel events before they happen? Many of us know when it’s going to storm, even in a room without windows. This is just due to air pressure and humidity changes or even those old aches and pains in our joints. Now I say to you, what about predicting major events but explaining it with those very same senses I’ve been talking about.

Imagine you are at a small bus station in Florida and you run into a friend who is preoccupied by something. As you talk about current events you begin to feel something. You suddenly get a very strong electrical sensation in your back and since you are ultra sensitive to different levels of electrical fields you know this feeling as foreboding. As you break up and walk away, you happen to peripherally catch someone walking by. You turn your head and see that it’s a man of middle eastern decent and for just a split second you lock eyes with him. In that instant your sense go into overdrive and you subconsciously absorb his posture, demeanor, attitude and emotional state among other things. Some of these things are so intense that you even feel them consciously, which causes you to quickly glance around. However, no one else seems affected and some even exchange pleasantries with the man. As he boards a bus, you take one last look in his direction and catch him snapping his head around to the door and entering. Was he looking at you? It certainly felt like it.

Later that night you are fast asleep and as your dreams go into a REM period, you see a disaster involving buildings, airplanes, fires and lots of confusion. As you are jolted awake by these visions you realize dreams are sometimes crazy but then again this one feels prophetic like the one you had before aunt Jenny died last year. As you look at the clock you see the time as 2:00am, the date? 09/11/01. One last feeling passes through you as you lay back down, death.

Here are a few stories that were reported by everyday people who had prophetic dreams of 9/11:

Saw and Felt the Fire

I have had many incidents of extreme premonition and paranormal activity surrounding me. I have no control over these things. About a week before WTC, I had a bad feeling of dread that lasted for several days. When no one I knew died, I didn’t know what was happening because the feeling has never been wrong. On August 22, I was watching a boxing match at home. In-between rounds, my mind started to drift. Suddenly I seemed to be in the center of an explosion and the flames hit my face. I could feel the heat and the fire went into my mouth. I jumped up yelling. It only lasted a second, but it’s the first time I’ve had a vision like that. I actually felt the fire. It didn’t last long enough to get a bearing on where I was or what caused the explosion. It scared the hell out of me. – Dennis L.

Awoke in Panic and Fear

I had a premonition on Monday Sept. 10. I awoke with a start from a deep sleep. I had a panic feeling that I was going to die. I couldn’t move my right arm no matter how hard I tried with all my strength. It was as though a huge weight was pressing down on me. I couldn’t move my body and I had such a state of panic and fear of dying. I was breathing irregularly. It was like I was gasping for each breath and there wasn’t enough for me to breathe in. This went on for about three hours! It felt like someone heavy was sitting on my whole body. I was so confused the next morning until I turned on the news and saw the tragedy unfolding. I know this had to do with the Sept. 11th attack. I just wish that I knew what it was about and could notify the authorities. – Lisa S.

Foresaw Building Collapse

I had the following dreams that shook me up when they occurred:

May 5, 2001: I dreamt I was in Seattle on business, and the skyscraper I was in rattled hard. I thought it was an earthquake and called out to people to leave. I ran out and saw that there were splits and schisms in the ground outside, which made the landscape unrecognizable. Then I went back into the building. I was rescuing people at the same time I was trying to find “safer ground,” but nothing seemed safe or clear. The skyscraper began collapsing floor by floor, sinking slowly into the earth like a giant acupuncture needle into flesh, and it was swallowed up almost completely. Before I escaped, my first concern was leaving behind all the other people and my belongings. Then I feared for my life as I sensed the total collapse of the building, floor by floor, and the sinking into the earth. I ran down many flights of stairs and got out just in time. Then I saw the rest of it sink into the earth. Ditto with other large buildings around me. It was the collapse of downtown Seattle, which was by now unrecognizable. I was dumbfounded about where to go to find safer ground. I could no longer recognize any landmarks, and everything around me was destroyed.
August 29, 2001: About two weeks before Sept. 11th, I had a re-occurrence of this dream, with the skyscraper I was in collapsing once again floor by floor, but set in Toronto.

The first dream really shook me up. I went to the news on the Internet as soon as I awoke, expecting a big calamity in Seattle, but there was nothing. I discussed it with intuitive friends around the country to try to make meaning. I thought it was about a big problem ahead for all of us, not anything personal, but about changes in the earth or civilization. – Beverly R.

When the second tower crumbled, he recognized it as the events from his dream.
Husband Predicted Attack, But Didn’t Know It

My husband has always had some psychic abilities and is able to predict events while he is sleeping. He is still learning how to interpret those events, so he doesn’t know that a prediction is for certain events until they happen and he sees it. Three or four years ago, while stationed in Georgia, he dreamt of a nuclear attack. He could hear everything, including the screams. He could feel the heat of the fire – the whole nine yards, even the mushroom cloud. On Sept. 11, he was watching “Good Morning America” and saw the report about the WTC being hit by a plane, and saw the second plane go into the second tower. When the second tower crumbled, the cloud almost resembled a mushroom shape and it hit him. As soon as he saw it, he recognized it as the events from his dream – the dust and smoke, the fire, the devastation… everything. – Patty C.

The Wave of Smoke

I am a 39-year-old woman living in the rural area of Riverside, Ca. My mother was visiting me the week before [the attack] happened. Friday night, I had my earthquake dream, which I never shared with anyone because I thought they would think that I am nuts. But this time I told my mother on Saturday morning. On Sunday afternoon there was an earthquake around the Los Angeles area. In my next dream I was being knocked around into a column-like thing and saw people falling. I saw this big wave rolling and coming at me. I just thought it was water. When the tragedy happened in New York and I saw the news clips of people running and the smoke chasing them, that is the exact image of the thing I saw in my dream. The “wave” I saw was smoke, and I got this unexplainable feeling that this was what the dream was about. – Jeanne R.


If you liked those stories, here are some others you may enjoy.

I can still remember where I was and what I was doing that morning as I’m sure most of us can. Along with your comments regarding the article, It would be great to read about where you were that fateful day.

9/11 was not only an immense tragedy that left a black mark on American history but also a day that showed how Americans forget their differences, throw caution to the wind and come together as patriots for a common cause. It showed why America was the greatest country on earth and I pray that we can always come together as a nation, not just on the terrible days but every day.

God bless those heroic people who risked life and limb and those who gave of themselves on that day to serve their fellow man.

And may God Bless America!

