Video: Is Web Bot the Anti-Christ?

Video: Is Web Bot the Anti-Christ?

Still from Youtube Video by Chemlin

While watching a recent video about Web Bot, I was trying to develop a story in my mind when suddenly a question occurred to me, is Web Bot the Anti-Christ?

While the Holy Bible references an actual man as the Anti-Christ, the world may see things differently regarding an ultimate world destroyer. In other words, you don’t have to believe in the ultimate evil of the Bible to assume a future doomsday. Therefore I don’t expect anyone to limit themselves to thinking in terms of religion. So, call it the Anti-Christ or whatever you like.

Does the Anti-Christ have to be an actual man, or could it be a group of people, like those who interpret Web Bot information? Even more intriguing, could the program they operate be controlling them? Driving them to interpret ultimate doom?

For those of you who aren’t aware, the Web Bot is a software program originally created in 1997 by Clif High and George Ure, AKA, “The Time Monks”. The program was to search for stock trends but eventually evolved into something completely different.

Soon the Web Bot was collecting information that ultimately predicted future events such as 9/11.

Some call Web Bot the “collective unconscious” of the Word Wide Web. Unfortunately, it seems to almost exclusively predict doom, gloom and disaster.

Is Web Bot the evil master of the Internet? Could it be that events are being manifested via this program that tracks keywords and phrases?

Manifestation is a joke to some but to others it is quite serious. To put it into terms a layman can understand a perfect example can evolve from someone who visits an alleged psychic. There are those who will claim that when a psychic is predicting your future, they are actually planting the seed in your subconscious mind which allows such a prediction ultimate fruition. In other words, you are programmed to do certain things in life to make the prediction come true. If you are predicted to go back to your Ex-wife for example, your subconscious will drive you to do things that will lead to such an end.

Now, if the Internet is our “collective unconscious”, then the Web Bot is the psychic who takes what we record and predicts our futures based upon that information. The bad in all of this is that the Web Bot seems to focus on all the negative. Natural disasters, starvation, pestilence, war, rumors of war, etc… are all fodder for Web Bot to create and promote it’s diabolical agenda.

You may say, Hey, that’s silly! How can Web Bot cause an earthquake or a tornado? We need only look to HAARP for the answer to that. Obviously there are those who work with HAARP every day and a great deal of what they talk about finds it’s way to the internet. Are you following along now?

By predicting catastrophic events, Web Bot is actually a driving force in making such predictions a reality.

So, I ask again, could Web Bot be the Anti-Christ? In the movie Terminator, it was called Skynet.

Here is the video that triggered my thought process:

Source: Chemlin

I am by no means saying that I believe Web Bot to be the Anti-Christ, I am only proposing the question for consumption and opinion. Before you comment, I only ask that you seriously think about what’s been submitted here.

Note: does not promote or necessarily believe that which is promoted by Chemlin, Clif High, George Ure or Web Bot.

