Friday Video: Dark Matters – Twisted But True

Friday Video: Dark Matters – Twisted But True

A new television show – at least new to me – was on the Discovery Science Channel the other night. At first I didn’t pay much attention to the program as I was busy with other things, so the television was just background noise. It was after I caught a glimpse of Laika, the Russian dog that went to space, that my attention was captivated.

What followed was a well put together show on some really interesting cases involving the dark side of science and human experiments that I thought would be a perfect fit for today’s Friday Video.

Dark Matters:Twisted But True is a program about everything relating to fringe science. The weird, the unexplained and creepy all come together in this entertaining program. The episode that grabbed my attention was season one, episode five. Episode five was about 21 Grams, Missing Cosmonauts and the Sound of Death.

21 grams

According to a physician who spent his time trying to weigh the human soul, he was able to determine that a person lost 21 grams of weight after they died. What’s creepy, is that they were placed on a large scale as their bodies grasped for a last breath. Watch as Dr. Macdougall struggles to get test subjects for his bizarre experiment.

Missing Cosmonauts

Two Italian brothers are thrilled as they tune their ham radio towards Sputnik in the late 1950s. What they inadvertently heard was a distress signal from a human, lost in the cold darkness of space.

Sound of Death

Two French scientists come across a very powerful low-frequency sound by accident. The sound, dubbed the sound of death, was powerful enough to cripple those who stood in its way. The research led to the creation of Nazi weapons using sound bursts. By the end of the experiment, the French scientists would try and work on a type of armor that could shield a person from their own creation.

