Family Captures ‘Christmas Ghost’ On Cell Phone Video

Family Captures ‘Christmas Ghost’ On Cell Phone Video

A family from Claypool, Indiana claim to have captured a “sweeping ghost” through a cell phone. The family posted the video online and claims that the ghost resembles a relative of theirs, calling the sighting the “Ghost of Christmas Past.” Good luck trying to spot the sweeping phantom, all I could see is darkness and Christmas lights.

I’m always amazed at how ‘imaginative’ people can be. It seems like anyone with a cellphone and some extremely blurry video can claim to see whatever they want and be on the 6 o’clock news.

Full source: ABC57

CLAYPOOL, Ind. — Take a look at what some people are calling the Ghost of Christmas Past!

A ghostly image appeared in a cell phone video taken in one family’s home.

Two young boys who are twins were filming their Christmas tree when they notice the image of a woman sweeping on their phone.

Family members said the boys said they couldn’t see the image with the naked eye, but just through the phone.

The family does not want toreveal their location for privacy reasons, but wanted to share the video to get a clearer image of what they are calling the Ghost of Christmas Past.

