Aliens Want You To Go Topless

Aliens Want You To Go Topless

After all, the classic story of a sighting of the aliens commonly referred to as Grays is of a little barefoot nekkid dude with big eyes. And they are from another planet after all, so are probably not bound by the shame of Original Sin so why should they think anything other than that we should go about in the nuddy as well?


If aliens exist, it’s not clear yet whether they favor clothing or a freer look.

It just so happens that most modern alien sightings also describe naked aliens that usually are small, gray and have big eyes,

As another National Go Topless Day passes us by in the warm summer breezes of summer, the Raëlians gather on the grass outside the White House to protest the bonds of clothing that inhibit us from joining our alien brethren. Or maybe they just like to let it all hang out.

Raëlianism promotes the belief that is often espoused on shows like Ancient Aliens, that early visitations by extraterrestrials were mistaken as angels, cherubim, and other experiences around which mythologies have been born. The belief has some similarities to L Ron Hubbard’s Scientology, with a touch of Anton Levay’s libertine version of Satanism. Rael’s creation of National Go Topless Day in 2008 might actually have less to do with a belief in alien visitation than it has with a belief in human freedoms…

“As long as men can go topless, women should have the same constitutional right or men should also be forced to wear something that hides their chests.”
Claude Vorilhon aka Raël, founder of Raëlism which sponsors the Go Topless Day.

Of course that raises the question; if all those stories were mistaken alien visitations, why did the aliens expel Adam and Eve from the garden, and make them feel shame for their nudity?

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Henry Paterson
