Frankenstein Theory

Frankenstein Theory

You could make the case that the “Found Footage” style of filmmaking introduced by movies like “The Blair Witch Project” has its roots in a much older form of entertainment. Fans of the first well known, and longest enduring novels of horror will remember that Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was published as a compiled series of letters between various characters in the story. Imagine for the moment that those letters have a basis in truth, and if you are a fan of the “Blair Witch” found footage format, or a fan of Frankenstein then I can happily suggest you check out Frankenstein Theory.


I will say that Frankenstein Theory really does not bring anything new to the table as far as “found footage” goes. You could criticize that the characters behaved stupidly, as did those in The Blair Witch, but then Bruce Willis isn’t in this movie. It isn’t about people who are on top of every situation, skilled at every form of armed and unarmed combat. If people went out into the wilderness and never made mistakes there would be no reason for Search And Rescue crews, and the Coast Guard would get pretty bored a lot of the time, and it is inherent in the “found footage” that something will go wrong.

I enjoyed The Frankenstein Theory even though I can see many places where it could be improved. All told, it does a better job of retelling an old story than the current “The Hobbit” does.

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Henry Paterson
