Public Service Announcement: Fukushima Radiation

Public Service Announcement: Fukushima Radiation

This is not normally what we do here, but simply to be responsible I consider it worthwhile to get the word out about the amount of radiation that has gone unreported and been leaking from the Fukushima nuclear power plant since the tsunami that crippled the facility.

From Collapsing Into Concsiousness

At the Very Least, Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish Are Over
Opinion by Gary Stamper

It now appears that anywhere from 300 to possibly over 450 tons of contaminated water that contains radioactive iodone, cesium, and strontium-89 and 90, is flooding into the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima Daichi site EVERY DAY. To give you an idea of how bad that actually is, Japanese experts estimate Fukushima’s fallout at 20-30 times as high as as the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings in 1945

There’s a lot you’re not being told. Oh, the information is out there, but you have to dig pretty deep to find it, and you won’t find it on the corporate-owned evening news.

    • An MSNBC article in April of 2012 reported that seals and polar bears were found to have “external maladies” that consisted of fur loss and open sores, obvious signs of radiation burns from the Fukushima meltdown, despite the conclusions of the article.
    • Fukushima radiation appears to be causing an epidemic of dead and starving Sea Lions in California and the FDA has refused to test for radiation
    • Since the summer of 2011, U.S. scientists have observed several dozen living and dead Pacific Ocean marine mammals with a strangely similar condition of skin sores and hair loss. These animals may be suffering from ‘beta burns,’ which are caused by significant external exposure to ‘beta emitters’ such as radiostrontiums, which were released in copious quantities to the Pacific Ocean at Fukushima Daiichi in 2011
    • .Almost a third more US West Coast newborns may face thyroid problems after Fukushima nuclear disaster
    • Contaminated water from Fukushima reactors could double radioactivity levels of US coastal waters in 5 years — “We were surprised at how quickly the tracer spread”

WHAT’S GOING ON WITH THE PACIFIC OCEAN FOOD CHAIN? – May 2013 – Researchers from the Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology reported in early 2012 that they have detected radioactive cesium from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant in plankton collected from all 10 points in the Pacific they checked, with the highest levels at around 25 degrees north latitude and 150 degrees west longitude. Plankton, and the radiation they contain, moves right up the food chain through fish, whales, seals, etc., and when larger fish eat smaller fish. Kyodo: Highest levels of Fukushima contamination in plankton already east of Hawaii?

A WARNING TO SEAFOOD LOVERS EVERYWHERE – Scientists previously reported higher-than-expected concentrations of radiation in fish off Japan. Now there are calls for testing of seafood sold in the U.S. Although contaminated air, rainfall and even radioactive debris from Japan have drifted toward the U.S. West Coast since the disaster occurred 2 1/2 years ago, scientists are unclear about how the contaminated waters could impact the health of Americans, and while scientists say that 300 tons of contaminate water is diluted in the Pacific, no one knows how long that’s been going during those 2 1/2 years as we also now know TEPCO has been lying all along. Nuclear experts are calling on the U.S. government to test West Coast waters and Pacific seafood sold in the U.S. in the wake of Japan’s alarming admission about an ongoing radiation leak, something the EPA and the FDA have so far refused to do, as they are only testing imported fish, not wild-caught. WHY? The only way to protect your children and grandchildren is by NOT EATING SEAFOOD from the Pacific Ocean until we have better information. Source.Information posted at the website of heThe Department of Nuclear Engineering at the University of California recommends not buying any fish from the Pacific Ocean or western states, including Baja.

above: German Scientists have calculated the dispersion of Cs-137 in the Pacific Ocean


  • Tissue samples taken from 15 bluefin caught in August, five months after the meltdowns at Fukushima Daiichi, all 15 contained reactor byproducts cesium-134 and cesium-137.
  • The 15 fish tested were only exposed to radiation for a short time. But bluefin arriving in California now will have been exposed to the Fukushima radiation for much longer.
  • Unlike some other compounds, radioactive cesium does not quickly sink to the sea bottom but remains dispersed in the water column, from the surface to the ocean floor. Fish can swim right through it, ingesting it through their gills, by taking in seawater or by eating organisms that have already taken it in.
  • The overwhelming scientific consensus is that there is no safe level of radiation … and radiation consumed and taken into the body is much more dangerous than background radiation.
  • The Telegraph notes that scientists tagged a bluefin tuna and found that it crossed between Japan and the West Coast three times in 600 days: All Pacific migratory fish are likely Fukushima contaminated.
  • Why have Contaminated Alaskan Halibut been found even though halibut don’t migrate? The cesium-134 contamination from radioactive plumes doesn’t just fall on land.
  • Study shows Fukushima nuclear pollution becoming more concentrated as it approaches U.S. West Coast — Plume crosses ocean in a nearly straight line toward N. America — Appears to stay together with little dispersion (MODEL)
  • Pacific herring in Canada bleeding from eyeballs, faces, fins, tails — I’ve never seen fish looking this bad — All 100 examined were bloody — Officials informed of hemorrhaging soon after 3/11 — Gov’t ignoring problem.
  • Unprecedented: Sockeye salmon at dire historic low on Canada’s Pacific coast — “We think something happened in the ocean” — “The elders have never seen anything like this at all” — Alaska and Russia also affected.
  • Japan Times: Fukushima Daiichi radioactive water problems seem ‘uncontainable’ — Believed to be wreaking environmental havoc upon Pacific Ocean.
  • Reuters: Crisis deepening at Fukushima nuclear plant; Upgraded to ‘Level 3 Serious Incident’ — Represents a 100-fold increase in “severity of a radiological release” — Tepco says highly radioactive leakage continues, but unknown where from.
  • It’s more than obvious that TEPCO officials have no idea what they’re doing, and the big question is why aren’t world governments jumping in to contain what’s going on? Meanwhile, the Pacific Ocean may very well be dying.

Quotes from Dr Caldicott

  • “Plumes of radioactivity from Fukushima are migrating in the Pacific towards the U.S. West Coast.”
  • “[Chernobel]] is one of the most monstrous cover-ups in the history of medicine”
  • “Then we extrapolate to Japan. Japan is – by orders of magnitude – many times worse than Chernobyl.”
  • “I knew the three GE engineers who helped design the GE Mark 1 reactors. They resigned because they knew they were dangerous. Japan built them on an earthquake fault.”
  • “Diablo and San Onofre are both built on earthquake faults, haven’t you seen enough of an earthquake to see what it does…and in a tsunami area.”

Update: August 16th, 2013

It’s been an interesting 36 hours: This website went from 200-300 visitors a day to 0ver 16,000 visitors yesterday and over 39,000 today (so far!). There have also been more comments than any other post that has appeared here, and honestly, the majority of them have been negative.

It started with the graphic that I posted. It turns out, unknowingly to me, that it was an image from NOAA that showed the Tsunami wave height that had been edited to look like the Pacific Ocean Fukushima radiation path.  I’m going to look for updated information and will change the graphic and accompanying information as soon as I have time to look for it. Unfortunately, the gigantic jump in viewership crashed my site and I’ve been working on that since yesterday morning. Support and I finally figured out what had happened and I have upgraded the site to handle the traffic.

The negative comments seem to be mostly from people who aren’t willing to have a conversation, demanding that I take the article down, that it’s not credible, that the information is garbage, and even with some resorting to name calling and insults. I have left them all up.  Even the one that says I don’t have dose counts. Well, if the FDA would actually do dose counts, we might be able to know that, but since they’ve refused to measure radiation, we can’t know.

We should just trust them when they tell us the radiation levels are safe (levels that keep on changing), that GMO’s are not harmful, that we don’t do do experiments on US citizens, that we’re not spying on the American people, the economy is improving, and that we should live in fear of terrorists. I ask, who are the real terrorists?

Support and I were concerned the the site crash was caused by a “denial of service attack,” but after checking the access logs, we agreed it wasn’t likely, but not out of the question. I find it unbelievable one article could cause that drastic of a jump in hits. There’s also been a significant number of new members, non of whom are paying or making donations. Let’s see if it holds. I doubt it.

I believe the article is credible and that while reasonable people can disagree, a lot of the negative comments a have a “climate-denier” feel to them. How many years has that argument been going on? Most people are going to believe what they want – or have to – believe. it’s not coming through mainstream sources so it can’t be true? Get real.

For those who say that if I don’t take the article down, “it clearly shows they are not interested in facts, only in trashing the system,” in case you haven’t noticed, the system needs no help being trashed…it’s perfectly capable of doing that itself.

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Henry Paterson
