• Blimpin’ For Bigfoot

    Blimpin’ For Bigfoot1

    • October 16, 2012

    While trail cams if only by their very inflexibility have, to date, proven only their complete unreliability, and/or Bigfoots have proved to be not so very foolish as to stand for group pictures, a remotely controlled mobile camera may stand a better chance of capturing the next level of evidence of the existence of Bigfoot.

  • Interesting UFO Photographed Over Plymouth12

    • January 24, 2012

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything regarding UFOs. However, this one caught my eye, so I thought it might be interesting to get our readers take on it. A gentleman named Gary McDermott claims to have spotted the object while photographing a helicopter in Plymouth, England. Here’s the bottom line on the incident


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