• Failed Attempt To Prove A Moon Landing Hoax

    Failed Attempt To Prove A Moon Landing Hoax11

    • December 4, 2013

    I don’t know haw many ways conspiracy theorists can continue to try to show that the Apollo Moon landings were hoaxed, nor what facts people need to hear to convince them. I guess some people will just never face what is in front of them, but then that is what the conspiracy theorists say as

  • Dark Mission: Moon Or Hoax?

    Dark Mission: Moon Or Hoax?0

    • January 18, 2013

    Oh, it is an old story. People who, for lack of understanding the term, call themselves “skeptics” instead espouse a belief which is supported by no facts but only broad and uninformed suppositions and use the term skeptic merely to attempt to add some sense that there is reason behind their assertions. The following video


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