• Freaky Ultrasound Photo: Mass In Testicle A Screaming Face

    Freaky Ultrasound Photo: Mass In Testicle A Screaming Face9

    • March 31, 2012

    Yes, you read right! This may be the strangest thing I’ve ever seen on the interwebs. Although this story is not all that new, I had never seen it before (I think), so I figured why not give it a shot? My memory is not all it used to be either. Odds are, I’ll remember

  • Awesome Pareidolia Video

    Awesome Pareidolia Video18

    • September 9, 2011

    I came across this last week and was blown away by the sheer pareidol splendor. This is the bees Knees people. OK, maybe it’s not as exciting as rainbow guy but it’s worth a look. A guy named Denis Farmer filmed the cloud formation in his backyard in the town of Grand Falls, Canada on

  • “Ghost Face” Captured In A Mansion?63

    • July 2, 2011

    The Southeast Paranormal Investigation and Research Team of Pennsylvania, or S.P.I.R.T, claim to have captured evidence of ghosts. A bold claim if I may interject. Apparently the team was the first to investigate the historic John Harris home in Harrisburg Pennsylvania and as a result, they claim to have captured strong evidence that proves the

  • Ghostly Faces In The Mirror? Get The Windex8

    • July 6, 2010

    I received an email from Dan C. from California. Dan told me that he had taken a photograph at some strange “faces” that had appeared in a friend’s mirror. Dan wanted to get the opinions of the GhostTheory readers. Upon looking at the photo, I automatically saw what Dan was talking about. To me, it’s

  • Post Office Ghost: Pareidolia In The Clouds4

    • February 6, 2010

    Pareidolia. One of nature’s cruelest tricks on humans. Many people have traveled thousands of miles because they believed the image of a divine figure appeared in a piece of toast, or a Doritos chip. Some even pay a lot of money to collect these imprints. I have to admit that most of them do look

  • A Ghost’s Face In The Bathroom?20

    • November 12, 2009

    Stephen Wagner’s Paranormal section in About.com is a fairly well known website. Search for “paranormal” in Google and Stephen’s site comes up first. So there’s no surprise at the volumes of personal stories that are sent to him every now and then. Some subtle, others very vivid and detailed. A reader who goes by “Melissa”,


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