• Video: Could This Be Real Paranormal Activity?

    Video: Could This Be Real Paranormal Activity?70

    • September 13, 2013

    By now GT regulars know about Mulder’s World and all the great stuff over there. I have been tracking one video in particular and discovered that it was actually posted last year for a short time. Now, on it’s repost the jackpot has been hit as it’s going viral crazy. Now, I have no idea

  • News team captures poltergeist activity on video0

    • October 30, 2008

    The Tavern in Abingdon, VA. Although I’m not sure what I’m looking at in the video, a local news team from Virginia claims that while camping out with the “Haunt Masters Club” (a ghost hunting group) they were able to capture some poltergeist activity with their cameras. In the video, you can barely make out


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