• Public Service Announcement: Fukushima Radiation

    Public Service Announcement: Fukushima Radiation10

    • August 21, 2013

    This is not normally what we do here, but simply to be responsible I consider it worthwhile to get the word out about the amount of radiation that has gone unreported and been leaking from the Fukushima nuclear power plant since the tsunami that crippled the facility. From Collapsing Into Concsiousness At the Very Least,

  • Human Devolution

    Human Devolution5

    • December 11, 2012

    “Kids today…” “In my day…” “Back when I went to school…” I guess we have either heard a few sentences, paragraphs or lectures that start like this, or possibly, in my case, even started to use them. Raise your hand if either is true. Watch the light fixtures! They hang kind of low and I


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