• Loch Ness ‘Expert’ To Present Findings

    Loch Ness ‘Expert’ To Present Findings8

    • April 6, 2013

    A few days back Henry laid out a a plan for those of you who’d like to see “lake creatures” up close and personal. Now, on the heels of that offering comes this interesting news from Scotland. It was a chilly day in April as hotel manager Aldie Mackay looks out over the Loch and

  • New Nessie Sighting In Loch Ness20

    • June 29, 2011

    A recent sighting of the Lock Ness Monster could stir up the old legend once more. Believed to dead, those who wholeheartedly believe in the existence of the Loch’s monster, will probably rejoice at reading the new eyewitness report from cafe owners Jan and Simon Hargreaves. “We stand here all the time and look out


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