• Is This Mothman Seen Flying Over Santiago Chile?

    Is This Mothman Seen Flying Over Santiago Chile?11

    • October 5, 2013

    It appears Mothman shows up all over the world and why not? I mean, it is supernatural, right? Actually, it could be anything, even a Barn Owl for all I know. However, avid readers of GhostTheory know that I am obsessed with this cryptid creature. Why? As Van Halen says, “You really got me!” Now

  • Photos: Mothman Sighting Over Chicago?

    Photos: Mothman Sighting Over Chicago?42

    • October 13, 2011

    As I was searching the MUFON reports this morning, I came across this interesting story from Chicagoland. Along with many other novelties in Chicago there just happens to be a giant Indian on top of a tobacco store at the northwest corner of 63rd and Pulaski Rd. It seems a man and his wife had


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