Video: Door Mysteriously Slams. Ghost Or Hoax?

In this video, a door mysteriously slams against its frame by unseen forces. The video is from YouTube and is said to be the works of something paranormal that happened in a clinic. From YouTube and the website Desgarrador:

Prueba de cámara con vision nocturna en corredor de clinica. Los informantes afirmaron que el lugar era frecuentado por fenómenos paranormales. Se colocó una cámara Sony con visión nocturna pero comprobamos limitaciones en bajas condiciones de luz.
La puerta se cerró extrañamente a las 4 am a pesar de haber sido asegurada antes de abandonar el recinto. En nuestra grabación nunca se vió abrirse la puerta.


Camera test with night shot in a hallway of a clinic. The informants assured (us) that the place was frequented by paranormal phenomena. We placed a Sony camera with night shot, but proved limitations under conditions of low light.

The door is closed mysteriously at 4 am albeit being secured before leaving the building. In our taping, the door never seems to be opened. –

Hace un par de años un amigo nos invitó a pasar la noche en su clínica donde ocurrían eventos extraños como aparición de sombras, golpes de puertas, ruidos de pasos, etc.
Escogimos un largo corredor que terminaba en una puerta que daba a un patio. Notamos cuando el dueño cerró con llave dicha puerta antes de retirarnos. En el corredor colocamos una cámara con visión nocturna conectada al ordenador para grabar durante varias horas y nos retiramos.
A la mañana siguiente recibimos la llamada del dueño de la clínica para comunicarnos que en el video se veía cuando la puerta se cierra violentamente pero en ningún momento se vió cuando fue abierta (a pesar que estaba debidamente asegurada). Compartimos este video para que intentar obtener alguna conclusión.


A couple of years ago, a friend invited us to spend the night in his clinic where strange events would occur  like the apparition of shadows, knocking on doors, noises in the hallways etc. We chose a long corridor that ends at a door that leads to a patio. We noted when the owner closed the door with a key before retiring for the night. In the corridor we placed a camera with night shot to record for several hours. In the next morning we received a calls from the owner of the clinic saying that in the video he could see when the door violently closes, but without showing when the door opens. (even though it was secured). We share this video in efforts to obtain some conclusion.

I’m always up for some debunking but in cases like this, the evidence is so widely open to interpretation that it almost seems pointless to try. First off, we can easily just write this off as a hoax. Something that someone with a lot of time on their hands created just for fun. We could also assume that maybe the forces at play here are not paranormal, but from nature. A strong gush of wind could easily have slammed this door shut. The fact that the uploader of the video said that the door was locked and secured before they left, it points to some foul play. I’m not saying that this is the case, but I’ve seen plenty of hoaxes throughout the years.

What do you guys think?

