Friday Video: Supernatural – Unseen Powers Of Animals


Guess what guys? It’s ‘Friday Video’ time!

The BBC produces some of the best documentaries I’ve seen. No matter what the subject is, the production value of the documentary and writers that make it possible, turn these stories into captivating masterpieces.

‘Supernatural: The unseen powers of Animals’ is a captivating look at the “paranormal” powers in nature. From the scientific theories of crop circles being formed by random winds in nature, to pigeons and chickens going into trance; the documentary is full of interesting animal facts that are juxtaposed with the miracles and paranormal claims we humans know about.

The documentary mentions the “Jesus Christ Lizard”. I’ve seen a few of the Common Basilisk (Basiliscus basiliscus) or “Jesus Christ Lizard” when I was in Costa Rica near the waters. I wish I would have seen the “miracle” that these lizards do, but instead was treated to witnessing what reptiles do best. Chill out under the sun.

I hope you enjoy the documentary and have a good 4th of July weekend. I myself will be busy writing and updating GhostTheory. Catching up on my projects and the World Cup.

Just for your amusement, here are a bunch of random pictures of me in Costa Rica. (no, no basilisk in the pictures)

Supernatural – Unseen Powers Of Animals

