Friday Video: Dan Aykroyd Unplugged On Ufos


Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs. I have mixed reviews about this documentary in which director David Sereda takes part in the documentary and plays the narrator. Interviewing people like Actor Dan Aykroyd and Scientists John Hutchinson gives an extremely insightful look into Ufology, but there is something not quite “professional” about this documentary. Ignoring the cheap computer effects that the director uses, I think it is the tone of his voice and some of the questions asked that makes it seem like you are watching an A+ high school video project. Don’t get me wrong, maybe the money wasn’t there for the production of the video or hiring of a professional narrator, so don’t be put off by my opinion. The documentary is good and Dan Aykroyd lends his insightful look into UFOs and the American government.

It’s Friday, the last weekend of September 2010. By the end of next weekend I will be another year older. I will be 32 years old. It’s amazing for me to read those numbers as I type them. Here I am, a fully bona fide adult, yet I can’t help but feel like I’m still a kid. To make me feel even less of a grown up, this weekend is my brother’s bachelor party. I can’t wait since I will get to be around my three brothers. Well, two biologically related and one white guy that grew up with us. We will probably make “fart jokes” and start every other sentence with the words: “Remeber that time when…”. Yup, real grown up stuff.

Remembering back at our childhood days and today’s “Video Friday”, now I know why I brought up my brothers. We lived next door to the Mcclain/Ritter family out in the outskirts of the world. In the Californian High-Desert to be exact. There was this particular night that we (the boys) were sent to buy groceries late in the evening. Of course living out in the middle of nowhere we had to drive 20-30 minutes to get to a subpar grocery store. I was 16 years old and had gotten my driver’s license, so I was thrilled to drive out in the dark country roads. I grabbed the keys to our old Jetta and alongside my three brothers took off blasting music and feeling the warm summer breeze as we drove into town. On our way back, it was around this man-made lake in Hesperia California that we had noticed a bright object in the night sky. At first, we all noticed it but didn’t say anything about it. A few minutes later the object grew three times its size and that’s when we all pointed it out. I pulled over to the side of the road and we were observing this white glowing light getting closer and closer. Within a minute or two it was possible a mile or two in front of us and at that point we saw it shine a light down, as if it was scanning the nearby hills. I told my brothers that it was probably a military helicopter flying low, but as it got closer we noticed that there was no sound coming from this light source. If it was a helicopter, you’d expect the loud noise of the propellers to be heard from a distance away. This wasn’t the case. So we all were a bit scared and sat in the car. The sun-roof was open and windows rolled down. Suddenly this light was above (or very close to us) that it flashed the light beam right on us. The light was bright and was focused on our car for a few seconds before it was gone. I mean gone gone, as in like it had disappeared. Within seconds we heard the familiar noise of helicopters. Something we expected to hear when we first saw this light. We all saw a couple of helicopters (2 or 3) coming from the hills in front of us. My guess is that these were military helicopters and were chasing down this strange light. I don’t know for sure since it was dark. All we know is that when the helicopters got close, the bright object took off.

Now me being interested in UFOs and the paranormal I quickly took note of the time since we first saw it and the time when we arrived at home. I had just seen “Fire in the sky” so I was extra paranoid about the “loss of time” which many people who claim to have been abducted experienced. Everything was normal.

What was the object that we had seen? I have no clue. Was it some alien craft or some military training? I have no idea. All I know is that I wasn’t the only one who saw this.

So I guess the conversations I will be having with my brothers will revolve around booze, strippers and UFOs. What more can a “grown” man want?

Have a safe weekend guys!

