Friday Video: 1948 Aztec UFO Crash


Once again, it’s time for another Friday Video here on GT. Before I get into the details of today’s video, let me just quickly recommend to you guys one of the best movies that I have ever seen. The acting, the directing and the immense amount of talent that pours out of this movie is unmatched. I’m talking about Natalie Portman’s latest movie, The Black Swan.

In all honesty, if you guys get an opportunity, please check the film out. It has by far turned into one of my all-time favorite films. I don’t think a film has inspired me creatively as this film has.

Here’s a fun fact: I was walking home from work one evening and I spotted a half of a taxi cab sitting on top of a trailer being hauled around Downtown L.A. with cameras all around it. I figured they were shooting a commercial of some people inside a taxi cab. Turns out that it was for the Black Swan movie and that Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis were inside that half cab. If I would have known that, I’d probably would have ran along side of it and jumped in.

Too bad in that taxi scene you really can’t see the pedestrians outside. Oh yea, and the sex scene in that movie…it’s pretty hot. Too bad I wasn’t near that scene.


I’ve heard and read of the UFO crash incident in 1948 New Mexico. No, not the Roswell incident. This crash is supposed to have happened in the small town of Aztec, NM.

Frank Scully was the principle investigator of the alleged UFO crash in New Mexico. According to the following documentary, evidence uncovered recently suggest that someone in the military was leaking information about the downed alien craft to Frank Scully. Smart enough to not get himself “disappeared”, Scully reported only enough information so as to no incriminated himself.

I believe this is the first and only Aztec UFO documentary that I’ve seen, so it’s fairly interesting.

