New Faces Discovered On Mars

New Faces Discovered On Mars

Italian researcher Matteo Ianneo has recently found two new faces on the red planet. It was late one night when Ianneo made the discovery while looking for a 7-11 to buy lottery tickets.

OK, maybe it didn’t happen that way, but it is pretty interesting if you are into that sort of thing. To others it’s just another case of pareidolia.

I suppose the best thing to do is to check out the photos for an objective opinion.

Italian researcher finds two new human faces on Mars

The Italian researcher Matteo Ianneo has yet discovered two new human faces on Mars which look as if they were carved on the surface of the Red Planet.

These new discoveries add up to a previous set of past discoveries on Mars which raise new questions of whether Mars was ever a live planet just like Earth and if it was populated with some sort of creatures which were actually human. More than that, it looks like they were highly civilized too and knew how to carve statues.

Anyone can find these two newly discovered faces on Mars by using Google Earth, choosing Mars and navigating to the following coordinates: 47°36’6.66″N 63°20’20.41″E

The second face is a stretch, but if you give it a chance it will start to appear that the upper one is a male and the lower a female. At least that what my logic eventually told me. Then again, sometimes I’m quite illogical, as Spock would say.

Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to drop it in the laps of our readers again. Yes, the pressure is now squarely on your shoulders……because I say so! Now take your medicine and like it!

Our thanks to The European Union Times for this martian marvel.

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GT: New Photo Of The ‘Face On Mars’ Finally Answers Questions
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