‘Daisy’ The Bigfoot Has Been Released…

‘Daisy’ The Bigfoot Has Been Released…

Bigfoot “researcher” Tim Fasano has posted the following video on YouTube:

Published on Dec 28, 2012

My contacts from Central Command headquarters, including a retired lieutenant General, inform me Daisy has been released and all records destroyed. Considerations of Geneva Convention

All records destroyed? Geneva Convention? UFOs and fake moon landings? What the fuck is going on with the Bigfoot community?

According to Tim Fasano, Daisy the Bigfoot has been released with all evidence and reports destroyed. That’s right. He just got word from “Central Command headquarters” that they had to release the supposed Bigfoot they had captured because of the Geneva Convention laws against prisoners.

So how does one become a so-called “Bigfoot Researcher”? Is there some sort of pot you piss in to see who can fill it up the most? Or maybe a giant rock you have to hurl…

It’s amazing how quickly things build up and fizzle out in the Bigfoot community. it’s no wonder why it’s such a joke. All these amateurs running their mouths, trying to make a dollar out of a dime. Let’s see what happens next…

