In 1969 the first humans set foot on the surface of the moon. We continued for a total of six successful trips there and back putting 12 men and a pretty cool lunar rover on the surface.
According to some we have returned because:
Did you ever wonder why the Moon landings stopped and why we have not tried to build a Moon Base? It does seem like a better and easier idea than a floating space station with no access to any raw materials or supplies? According to the NASA Astronaut Neil Armstrong the aliens have a base on the Moon and told us in no uncertain terms to get off and stay off the Moon!
Sound far fetched? Milton Cooper, a Naval Intelligence Officer tells us that not only does the Alien Moon Base exist but the U.S. Naval Intelligence Community refers to the Alien Moon Base as “Luna,” that there is a huge mining operation going on there, and that is where the aliens keep their huge mother ships while the trips to Earth are made in smaller “flying saucers”.
Well there has been recent talk of going back but…
US won’t be returning to moon, NASA chief says
America won’t be repeating that historic one small step anytime soon — not according to NASA chief Charlie Bolden, anyway.
“NASA is not going to the Moon with a human as a primary project probably in my lifetime,” Bolden told a joint meeting of the Space Studies Board and the Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board in Washington last week, according to Jeff Foust of
. “And the reason is, we can only do so many things.”
Instead, he said the focus
would remain on human missions to asteroids and to Mars. “We intend to do that, and we think it can be done.”
Well, does that mean we are simply following the directives of our alien overlords?
Last week, Russia rekindled its plans for a robotic moon exploration program, unveiling its first new moon mission since the Soviet Union launched Luna 24 in 1976. Russian space scientists are scripting a new plan to reconnect with the moon, one scientist explained.
“Exploration of the moon is an important part of the program,” said Igor Mitrofanov of the Institute for Space Research during Microsymposium 54 on “Lunar Farside and Poles — New Destinations for Exploration,” held in The Woodlands, Texas, on March 16 and 17.
‘I just want to emphasize that Russia is a spacefaring country not only with the robotic but also manned flight,” he added.
And private interest in the moon as a resource is heating up. Several companies have announced plans to mine the moon, thought to contain a ransom in precious minerals including titanium, platinum, and helium 3, a rare isotope of helium that many feel could be the future of energy on Earth and in space.
So only time will tell. Will bureaucratic roadblocks halt the private enterprise exploration of the moon? Will politics and economics balk the Russians? They didn’t make it back in the 60’s. Technology has improved quite a bit since but still, they have waited 50 years since their success with Sputnik. Why?
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