Okay, they aren’t Locusts, they are Cicadas which is pronounced as if it were spelled Sick-ay-dah.
For the apocalyptically inclined, locusts were the eighth plague that affected Egypt in the time of Moses, preceded by the Rivers running as blood, Frogs, Lice, Flies, Diseased livestock, Boils, Hail, then Locusts followed by Darkness and the Death of all First born (unless of course you paint your front door.)
And for fans of horror movies I am sure the sound they make will be quite familiar.
From Elite Daily.Com
The Cicada Invasion Will See 1 Trillion Cicadas Swarm Over The East Coast
Sean Levinson • May 8, 11:38amResearcher Gary Hevel of the Smithsonian Institution has reported that roughly one trillion cicadas are about to fly over to the East Coast in the not-so-distant future.
These hideous, yet harmless, insects are known for the buzzing sound their wings make (possibly for communication) and the brown exoskeletons they shed on trees and fences.
Some insect specialists have said the invasion will consist of a mere 30 billion bugs, which is already enough to form a link to the moon.
But no — we’re going to be seeing swarms upon swarms of these things flying into walls, and forming earth-shattering buzz choruses that will make sitting outside in your backyard with a book an increasingly uncommon and unenjoyable activity.
University of Maryland entomologist Mike Raupp even says “there will be some places where it’s wall-to-wall cicadas.”
The cicada’s role in the ecosystem and very point of existence is still yet to be determined (seriously).
So, what do you do with a trillion Cicadas?
The Cicada Invasion Survival Guide has some handy recipes as we enter into the summer barbecue season!
Brave (or crazy folks) say cicadas are crispy and crunchy, with a nutty, almondlike, flavor. Iroquois indians have a long history of eating cicadas and considered them to be a delicacy.
The best time to eat cicadas is just after the nymphs break open their skin and before the exoskeleton turns hard. They are best harvested in the cool of the morning when the insects are more sluggish. Experienced gatherers focus on the adult females, each of which can contain up to 600 nutritious eggs.
Males tend to have hollow abdomens in order to help them make the cicada sound, and are better as a crunchy snack, like popcorn.Cicadas can be cooked in a large frying pan in a way similar to popcorn. The taste is similar to the “crispy edges of the egg white of a fried egg.” A popular way to prepare cicadas is to saute them in butter with crushed garlic and basil.
Cicadas can also be dry-roasted on a stick like a marshmallow over a fire.
For a listing of US restaurants that serve up other unusual delicacies you can go Here
And in the words of the immortal Julia Child… Bon Apetit!
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