• What Really Happened To Elisa Lam?

    What Really Happened To Elisa Lam?264

    • June 22, 2013

    A block away from where I live stands the Hotel Cecil. A tall, tower-like complex with a history almost as sordid as the one that haunts the Tower of London. Hotel Cecil has always been known as the place where serial killer Richard Ramirez, aka The Nightstalker, lived for some time. The hotel also housed

  • Devil Worship, Serial Killer and Friday Video3

    • February 19, 2010

    Last night my girlfriend and I watched this movie called ‘The house of the Devil‘. Now let me start off by saying that most of the reviews that were given to this movie are unfair. Most people rated this movie in Netflix as being “too long and drawn out..” “Not a lot of action” “..Scary


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